This flyer advertises the first annual parish reunion, which took place on this day in 1938. Clearly there was a concert and opportunities for dancing and playing whist - seemingly a favourite passtime; whist drives are often mentioned in the notice books. The most impressive claim on the flyer must have made the event hard to resist: "Here's an evening that hasn't a dull moment", it boasts. There was obviously a big push for a good attendance; the notice book from 6 February states "The reunion does not exclude non-Catholic friends". Seemingly it went well; on 13 Feb it was announced, "We wish to congratulate you on the successful reunion and we thank all who in any way helped in the work of this wonderful event." The reunions appear in the notice books at least until the 1960s.
Giving generously
Following the widow's example: giving generously.
On Sunday during children's liturgy we listened to the story of the people
giving their offertory gifts ...
1 week ago