Saturday, September 26

Cathedral Life in 1963

This impressive scene shows part of the Second Vatican Council, which took place 1962-1965. The Council resulted in sweeping changes to Catholic life, particularly to the liturgical expression of our faith. Back in September 1963 prayers were being asked for the Council as its second session began, as the notice book entry for 29th September reveals. The following extracts also show other aspects of parish life - the approach of the annual dedication feast, and the collection for the Bishop Flynn memorial (the Social Centre) are perhaps worthy of special mention. Here are some of the notice booke entries for that day:

· Next Sunday we keep the feast of the anniversary of the church; sermons preached by Canon Kershaw. This is our big day of the year for upkeep of the Cathedral – the second collection next Sunday, but we appeal to your generosity for the support of the church
· Special Collection today for Bishop Flynn memorial
· Fr Lockwood wishes to thank you for prayers and donations on the occasion of his silver jubilee
· We remind you of the Nazareth House bring and buy sale next Saturday, at Nazareth House, 2:30pm. Your support is requested on this annual occasion
· The second session of the Vatican Council opens today. The Holy Father asks prayers for its success.
· We begin October devotions on Tuesday. There will the devotions every night before the Blessed Sacrament at 7:30pm.