Yesterday's post featured the old school cross, which now stands in the garden of Cathedral House. A few yards down the path is another unusual garden ornament. In 1859 it stood at the very top of the spire of St Peter's, and was the base of the large cross which stands there. Canon Billington explains, "The spire is surmounted by a copper cross, 9 feet 10 inches high and 4 feet across. The spire was repointed and the cross regilt in 1900; the three topmost stones, which were found to be decayed and had to be renewed, may be seen in the garden." On 4th May 1955 the Lancaster Guardian featured the stone; Monsignor Brimley, then the Cathedral Administrator, seems to have been the source of the article, which was prompted by the curiosity of passers-by.
Jubilee (Holy) Year 2025
Jubilee (Holy) Year 2025 Pilgrims of Hope’.
As the bishop announced in his letter last weekend Pope Francis will open a
Holy Year for the entire Catholic ...
5 weeks ago